

introducing each other

Rossella Pescatori

Learning Objectives

Here you’ll learn how to introduce yourself or other people



Come ti chiami (informal)

Come si chiama? (formal)                                                                                    What is your name?

Mi chiamo…                                                                        My name is

 Sono ….                                                                           I am

Come ti chiami? (What’s your name? Literally: How do you call yourself?)

—  Mi chiamo Michelangelo. (My name is Michelangelo)

—  Come si chiama, Lei? (formal) (What’s your name? Literally: How do you call yourself?)

—  Come ti chiami? (informal) (What’s your name? Literally: How do you call yourself?)

—  Sono Roberto. (I am Roberto.)

—  Qual è il tuo nome? (informal) (What’s your name?)

—  Isabelle. (Isabelle.)

—  Qual è il suo nome? (formal) (What’s your name?)

—  Mi chiamo  Rossano . (My name is Rossano.)

To introduce another person

Ti presento (informal) I introduce you

Le present (formal)

Piacere = Nice to meet you

This is how you ask for the name of someone you are not speaking to directly along with the appropriate reply:

Come si chiama lui? What is his name?

Lui si chiama Mario.  His name is Mario

Come si chiama lei? What is her name?

Lei si chiama Maria. Her name is Maria.


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