
1 Foreword

Rossella Pescatori



Leggiamo 1, beginning Italian, is thought as an Open Education Resource (OER), and can be used as textbook for Italian classes. It covers level A1 for the European standards.

Leggiamo is organized as a story that develops in many stories; lessons are taught and told through the explanations given by the characters in the stories. The diverse perspective is embodied in the texts, because each character of the multiple stories performs “intersectionality”. Many voices will speak from different perspectives .

This text is designed to teach students to read Italian with ease and enjoyment. In order to be able to read, students need to progressively develop Italian vocabulary and structure, and reading and listening to simple stories will stimulate them through their curiosity and imagination. There are OER resources for Italian, but they offer only the standard communicative input. This text-book embodies culture into the language. Some stories are simplified version of some piece of classical books or poetry of Italian literature.





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Foreword Copyright © by Rossella Pescatori is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.