


Rossella Pescatori; Caren Bernezet Parrish; Shahrzad Zahedi; and William J. Carrasco

Attività A 

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Come sono i tuoi genitori ?

Studente 1: Come sono i tuoi genitori?

Studente 2: Sono simpatici. Mio padre è generoso e mia madre è gentile.

E i tuoi?➔


Attività B 

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Descrivi la tua famiglia. Describe 2-3 members of your immediate family with the various physical and personality traits you have learned. Then add more information such as: their name, where they are from, their origin, what they wear, what they like to do, and what they do for a living. Present them to your classmates.

Follow this example: https://youtu.be/i0VWWsSVD2o


Attività C 

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Descrivi i tuoi amici. Describe some of your friends and share your descriptions with the class.

Vocabolario utile:

Altre relazioni personali
Italiano Inglese
Amico/a friend
compagno/a di classmate or sport mate or roommate (sometimes partner)
ragazzo/a boyfriend, girlfriend
migliore amico/a best friend
coinquilino house-mate


Attività D

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Chi sono queste persone ? Come sono ? Describe the people in the pictures below using descriptive adjectives to tell us about their physical appearance and personalities.

Chi sono?
Come sono?
Madeleine Pascal Lin et Jessica Monsieur Legrand

1. Marta

2. Pascale

3. Lin e Jessica

4. Il Signor Verdi

La famille Bisset Amy Morgan Anne

5. La famiglia Rossi

6. Amy

7. Roberto

8. Anna

Lisa Maxine et Asif Mireille Sofiane

9. Lisa

10. Mirta e Asif

11. Mirella

12. Djamel

These images by Geraltpixabay.com are in the Public Domain, CC0 / Derivatives from the original work


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

ESERCIZI Copyright © by Rossella Pescatori; Caren Bernezet Parrish; Shahrzad Zahedi; and William J. Carrasco is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.