


Rossella Pescatori; Caren Bernezet Parrish; Shahrzad Zahedi; and William J. Carrasco

Learning Objectives

In this section, you will learn how to:

  • Identify family members
  • Talk about family relations

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Silhouettes of family members holding hands
“Inclusion” by Geraltpixabay is in the Public Domain
Father sitting with two children“Father” by designerlisahenrypixabay is in the Public Domain
Family posing for photo in a greenhouse.jpg
“Family” by Aboisse18pixabay is in the Public Domain
Family sitting on a rock posing for a photo.jpg
far from home” by amira_a is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Two mothers with two infants
Two Mothers of Two Infants” by daveynin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Family sitting and posing for photo.jpgBago, Myanmar family” by Arian Zwegers is licensed under CC BY 2.0

In this section, we are going to talk about our families. Here’s some vocabulary you need to know:

Italiano Inglese
la famiglia family
i genitori parents
la madre mother
la suocera mother-in-law
il padre father
il suocero father-in-law
il marito spouse (m.) husband
la moglie spouse (f.) wife
il coniuge, la coniuge spouse (m or f)
il congiunto/la congiunta partner
il compagno/la compagna partner
la sorella sister
la cognata sister-in-law
la sorella (o sorella acquisita) half sister
il fratello brother
il cognato brother-in-law
il fratello (o fratello acquisito) half brother
il figlio m, la figlia f child
i figli, o i bambini children
il papà dad
la mamma mom
la figlia daughter
la figlia (figliastra) stepdaughter
il figlio son
il figlio (figliastro) stepson
i nonni grandparent
la nonna grandmother
il nonno grandfather
i nipoti grandchildren
il nipote grandson
la nipote granddaughter
lo zio uncle
figlio unico/figlia unica only child
la zia aunt
gemelli/e twins
il nipote nephew
la nipote niece
il cugino cousin (m.)
la cugina cousin (f.)


Risorse supplementari

You can discover some Italian families here:



Attività vocabolario e verbi

You can identify which side of the family your grandparents are from with the adjectives paternomaterno

Mother’s side of the family Father’s side of the family
nonna materna nonna paterna
nonno materno nonno paterno

You can also distinguish between your famiglia immediata (immediate family) and your famiglia allargata (distant family).

To highlight ages differences among siblings you can use the adjectives maggiore (older, born earlier) and minore (younger, born later)*. You could also use the adjectives grande vs. piccolo:

brother sister
older fratello maggiore sorella maggiore
younger fratello minore sorella minore

Here is some additional vocabulary that may be useful:

Vocabolario Supplementare (stato civile)
Italiano Inglese
sposarsi to get married
divorziare to get divorced
vicino neighbor
single (celibe m, nubile f) single
divorziato divorced
fidanzato/a engaged
sposato/a married
separato/a separated
vedovo/a widow



Study the Quizlet vocabulary flashcards. Listen and repeat the Italian pronunciation.


Risorse supplementari

Watch these videos to practice talking about your family:


Struttura : Aggettivi possessivi

Aggettivi possessivi
Pronomi soggetto Italiano Inglese
io il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie my
tu (familiare) il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue your
lui, lei, Lei il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue his or her or Your
noi il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre our
voi il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre your
loro il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro their

NOTICE: in front of all the possessive you need to add the determinative article. However, for singular family members is not requested the article.

Es. Il mio cane. Mio padre


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LA FAMIGLIA Copyright © by Rossella Pescatori; Caren Bernezet Parrish; Shahrzad Zahedi; and William J. Carrasco is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.