to do/make and its expressions

Rossella Pescatori; William J. Carrasco; Shahrzad Zahedi; and Caren Bernezet Parrish

Learning Objectives

  • In this section, you will learn about the verb fare.


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The verb Fare can translate into English in different ways depending on the context. It can mean: “to do”; “to make”; “to be” (weather); “to equal” (math); “to go”, and more.

Here is how we conjugate fare in the present tense:

Coniugazione del verbo FARE (to do, to make)
Singolare Plurale
io faccio noi facciamo
tu fai voi fate
lui, lei, Lei fa loro fanno

(a) Most of the time fare means either “to do” or “to make”. Thus, the question Cosa fai ? could mean “What do you do?” or “What do you make?” depending on the context.

Faire can also be used to talk about what someone is doing now or soon, and what work people do in general. For example:

— Cosa fai questo weekend? (What are you doing this week-end?)
— Lavoro al ristorante. (I am working at the restaurant.)

— Che fa tuo padre? (What does your father do?)
— È ingegnere (He’s an engineer.)

Below is a summary of different ways to use faire, followed by a list of common and useful expressions with fare.

(b) The verb fare can be used to talk about the weather.

— Che tempo fa? (What’s the weather like?)
— Fa caldo ! (It’s hot!)

(c) Expressions con faire. Fare is said in many expressions that name specific activities

Facciamo sci d’acqua al lago. (We go water skiing at the lake.)

Facciamo un pisolino alle 14. (We take a nap at 2 pm.)

Faccio matematica per essere uno scienziato. (I am studying math in order to be a scientist.)


There are numerous activities that are said in the form of an expression with fare rather than with a single verb. In English we often use expressions with the verb to go in a similar way (to go dancing, to go shopping, etc.), but there are numerous translations of fare.

Espressioni con FARE
Italiano Inglese
Fare attenzione a to pay attention (to)
Fare un pisolino to take a nap
Fare una festa to party
Fare da mangiare to cook
Fare la conoscenza… to meet….for the first time
Fare un giro to go for a walk (drive)
Fare una passeggiata to go for a walk
Fare un giro in macchina to go for a (car) ride
Fare una camminata to go on a hike
Fare delle escursioni to go on hikes (in general)
Fare un viaggio to go on a trip
Fare dell’esercizio to exercise, to work out
Fare una scalata to go rock climbing
Fare vela to go sailing
Fare campeggio to go camping
Fare canoa to go canoeing
Fare sci to ski
Fare dello sport to do sports
Fare ciclismo to go bike riding
Fare una corsa to go jogging
Fare ginnastica to work out
Fare delle compere to run errands
Fare la spesa to go grocery shopping
Fare ginnastica artistica to do gymnastics
Fare winsurf to windsurf
Fare immersioni subacquee to scuba-dive
Fare surf to surf
Fare del volontariato to do volunteer work



Study the Quizlet vocabulary flashcards. Listen and repeat the Italian pronunciation.

Suggestion: When you don’t know the Italian verb for a certain activity, you can always try using fare followed by the name of that activity or words associated with that activity. Am Italian-speaker will gladly help you find the right verb.


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FARE E ESPRESSIONI DI FARE Copyright © by Rossella Pescatori; William J. Carrasco; Shahrzad Zahedi; and Caren Bernezet Parrish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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