

Rossella Pescatori; William, J. Carrasco; Shahzad Zahedi; and Caren Bernezet Parrish

Learning Objectives

  • In this section, you will learn how to comment positively and negatively on the food you are eating


Ecco tre recensioni sui ristoranti che abbiamo visto



from https://it.tripadvisor.ch/Restaurant…_Lombardy.html

from https://www.tripadvisor.it/Restauran…_Campania.html


Studiamo ! 

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The Italians comment on everything: the taste of the food and quality of the produce of course, but also the presentation, which is very important as well.

Here are some useful comments to say about food, pointing out problems, or expressing your satisfaction…

Mmmm, buonissimo ! Il pollo era tenero, un assortimento ben fatto e le verdure fritte croccanti.

Puah! Una schifezza! Il pollo sembrava di plastica, un cattivo assortimento, verdure molli.

Lascia a desiderare ! Non vale la pena il rapporto cibo-prezzo!.


Commenti positivi sul cibo

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La presentazione è stupenda! The presentation is gorgeous.
Buonissimo! How (beautiful).
È molto appetitivo It looks tasty, appetizing.
Mi viene l’acquolina alla bocca It makes my mouth water.
Gnammi Yum!
Una delizia It’s a delight.
Molto delicato It’s very delicate, fine.
Il condimento è perfetto The seasoning is perfect.
La carne è ben cotta e morbida The meat is very well cooked, and tender.
Le verdure sono fresche e croccanti The vegetables are nice and crunchy.


Commenti negativi sul cibo

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Italiano Inglese
Che schifezza! It was bad
Puah! Yuck!
Non si può mangiare It was inedible.
La carne è dura come una scarpa The meat is hard like a shoe!
Troppo cotto It was really overly done.
Non è cotto a sufficienza It was not cooked enough.
Il pollo non sa da niente! The chicken was so bland, tasteless.
La salsa era insipida The sauce had no flavor.
Le ostriche non erano fresche The oysters were not fresh.
Era troppo dolce, salato, forte, speziato, piccante, bruciato, freddo It was too sweet, salty, strong, peppery, spicy, heavy, burnt, very cold.
Disgustoso It was disgusting.


In pratica !

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Structure : Espressioni affermative e negative

Espessione positiva Inglese Espressione negativa Inglese
non not
già already non… ancora not yet
ancora, sempre* still non…più (not) anymore, no more
sempre, ogni volta* always … mai never
qualcosa something niente nothing
qualcuno, tutti someone, everyone nessuno, non … nessuno nobody, no one


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PARLARE DEL CIBO Copyright © 2023 by Rossella Pescatori; William, J. Carrasco; Shahzad Zahedi; and Caren Bernezet Parrish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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