

Caterina Peri and Rossella Pescatori

Learning Objectives

  • In this section you’ll learn the reflexive verbs at present tense

Reflexive verbs describe actions with direct consequences on the subject. They are conjugated with the endings you would normally use for each subject and tense, but in combination with reflexive pronouns.

Reflexive pronouns Pronomi riflessivi
myself mi
yourself ti
himself/herself si
ourselves ci
yourselves vi
themselves si
Lavarsi (to wash oneself) Nascondersi (to hide oneself) Vestirsi (to get dressed)
io mi lavo io mi nascondo io mi vesto
tu ti lavi tu ti nascondi tu ti vesti
lui/lei si lava lui/lei si nasconde lui/lei si veste
noi ci laviamo noi ci nascondiamo noi ci vestiamo
voi vi lavate voi vi nascondete voi vi vestite
loro si lavano loro si nascondono loro si vestono

Elenco dei verbi riflessivi più comuni

abbronzarsi to tan lavarsi i denti to brush one’s teeth
abituarsi a to get used to nascondersi to hide oneself
accontentarsi di to be satisfied with occuparsi di to take care of
addormentarsi to go to sleep pettinarsi to comb oneself
alzarsi to get up preoccuparsi di to worry about
annoiarsi to get bored prepararsi a to get ready to
arrabbiarsi to get angry presentarsi to introduce oneself
cambiarsi to change clothes rendersi conto di to realize, to become aware of
comportarsi to behave ricordarsi di to remember about /to
divertirsi to have fun riposarsi to rest
domandarsi to wonder sbagliarsi to be mistaken
esprimersi to express oneself sbrigarsi to hurry
farsi il bagno to bathe sedersi to sit
farsi la barba to shave one’s beard sposarsi con to get married to
farsi male to hurt oneself svegliarsi to wake up
fidanzarsi to get engaged tagliarsi to cut oneself
guardarsi to look at oneself truccarsi to put on makeup
lamentarsi to complain vestirsi to get dressed



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LA ROUTINE, VERBI RIFLESSIVI Copyright © 2023 by Caterina Peri and Rossella Pescatori is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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