Caterina Peri and Rossella Pescatori
Learning Objectives
- In this section you’ll learn the reflexive verbs at present tense
Reflexive verbs describe actions with direct consequences on the subject. They are conjugated with the endings you would normally use for each subject and tense, but in combination with reflexive pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns | Pronomi riflessivi |
myself | mi |
yourself | ti |
himself/herself | si |
ourselves | ci |
yourselves | vi |
themselves | si |
-ARE ⇒ -ARSI | -ERE ⇒ -ERSI | -IRE ⇒ -IRSI |
Lavarsi (to wash oneself) | Nascondersi (to hide oneself) | Vestirsi (to get dressed) |
io mi lavo | io mi nascondo | io mi vesto |
tu ti lavi | tu ti nascondi | tu ti vesti |
lui/lei si lava | lui/lei si nasconde | lui/lei si veste |
noi ci laviamo | noi ci nascondiamo | noi ci vestiamo |
voi vi lavate | voi vi nascondete | voi vi vestite |
loro si lavano | loro si nascondono | loro si vestono |
Elenco dei verbi riflessivi più comuni |
abbronzarsi | to tan | lavarsi i denti | to brush one’s teeth |
abituarsi a | to get used to | nascondersi | to hide oneself |
accontentarsi di | to be satisfied with | occuparsi di | to take care of |
addormentarsi | to go to sleep | pettinarsi | to comb oneself |
alzarsi | to get up | preoccuparsi di | to worry about |
annoiarsi | to get bored | prepararsi a | to get ready to |
arrabbiarsi | to get angry | presentarsi | to introduce oneself |
cambiarsi | to change clothes | rendersi conto di | to realize, to become aware of |
comportarsi | to behave | ricordarsi di | to remember about /to |
divertirsi | to have fun | riposarsi | to rest |
domandarsi | to wonder | sbagliarsi | to be mistaken |
esprimersi | to express oneself | sbrigarsi | to hurry |
farsi il bagno | to bathe | sedersi | to sit |
farsi la barba | to shave one’s beard | sposarsi con | to get married to |
farsi male | to hurt oneself | svegliarsi | to wake up |
fidanzarsi | to get engaged | tagliarsi | to cut oneself |
guardarsi | to look at oneself | truccarsi | to put on makeup |
lamentarsi | to complain | vestirsi | to get dressed |