
Rossella Pescatori

Learning Objectives

In this section we’ll learn IL TRAPASSATO PROSSIMO

Trapassato prossimo is the past of the past. When Italians need to specify something that had occurred before another past action, event or state, they use this tense.

Trapassato is a similar to passato prossimo; it is made of two part, conjugated auxiliary verb at imperfect + past participle.

io avevo parlato  I had spokentu avevi parlato you had spoken

lui/ lei/ Lei aveva parlato he/she/ it had spoken, you formal

noi avevamo parlato we had spoken

voi avevate parlato you guys had spoken

loro avevano parlato they had spoken


io ero andato/a I had gone

tu eri andato/a you had gone

lui/lei/Lei era andato/a he/she/it had gone, you formal

noi eravamo andati/e we had gone

voi eravate andati/e you had gone

loro erano andati/e they  had gone

In spoken Italian, this tense is also used to mark very past event, and is replacing the passato remoto.

ES. Dieci anni fa ero andata a Roma. Ten years ago, I went to Rome.


Watch these two videos:


Pluperfect Tense in Italian: Trapassato Prossimo


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Learn PAST PERFECT ITALIAN (TRAPASSATO PROSSIMO) in Less than 10 Minutes! [ITA audio – ENG subs]

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